/ advent calendar

Good Tidings of Not-So-Great Design!

The games made so far are listed here. The latest: Gentry: a game about charm, wit, and agency.

Today is a momentous day. A day I begin an adventure, the likes of which this world has not seen in the modern age. I begin, some 8 days late:


It's gonna be sweet, it's gonna be kickass, it's gonna be terrible. Every game, just bad. Small, untested, in raw barely-more-than-an-idea form. And that's how this is gonna be something worth doing.

I'm good at editing. I do it on the regular, for everything, to a neurotic extent. I've edited this paragraph 4 times already. It comes in handy to have a sense for how a thing ought to be, but it makes it quite difficult to get a good idea out there when your brain insists it always needs a few more tweaks.

So this will be a creative exercise, in three parts:

  • Make a small game, every day of Advent (excepting those days already gone by)
  • Allow them to be bad. If they're worth anything, they're worth editing later.
  • Be as spontaneous, as stream-of-consciousnessy as possible. Go with the first interesting idea that comes to mind.

Inspired by Justin Alexander's recent tweet:

I'll be using Wikimedia's Picture of the Day as a daily prompt. Could use anything, really, but this is as good as anything -- and it's the "first interesting idea that comes to mind."

Christmas is all about acquiring awesome stuff, so in the spirit of Christmas Contrariness, I'm gonna create some eh stuff. Join the adventure with me, I'll treat you real gentle, and we'll wake up in January with only a couple regrets.

--Karaktakus the Contrary